This will be a Laboratory space for us to research bodywork as a way to enter the Jam space.
I would love for us to get a real sense of our own weight.
Of listening.
Maybe a sense of release, space, or lightness by receiving someone’s weight, or by being squeezed.
Or explore feather-light touch, and how even of the body we receive information.
In which way do we approach touch/contact?
Let’s explore and find what sparks our curiosity in a collaborative sort of manner, where our curiosity becomes our guide into movement, and anchor into our bodies and space.
Julia, Shiatsu therapist, dancer, former circusartist – and teacher of many years will facilitate these evenings.
β’ Friday Jan 17th, 17.00 – 20.00
β’ Friday Feb 21st, 17.00 – 20.00
Drama og Dansesal
VanlΓΈsevej 44 /
Obs Indgang: RandbΓΈlvej 23-25
50 dkr.
Registration required
Minimum number participants: 5